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Free PDF The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder

Free PDF The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder

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The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder

Free PDF The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder

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The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder


“The mandatory book to read in these treacherous times of financial crisis. . . . A thoughtful and intimate biography of the globe’s wisest investor.”—Forbes “Will mesmerize anyone interested in who Mr. Buffett is or how he got that way. The Snowball tells a fascinating story.”—New York Times “If the replication of any great achievement first requires knowledge of how it was done, then The Snowball, the most detailed glimpse inside Warren Buffett and his world that we likely will ever get, should become a Bible for capitalists.”—Washington Post “Anyone who has been watching events unfold in recent months—which would be everyone—can now appreciate the wisdom of Buffett. . . . The most authoritative portrait of one of the most important American investors of our time.”—Los Angeles Times “Even people who don't care a whit about business will be intrigued by this portrait. . . . Schroeder, a former insurance-industry analyst, spent years interviewing Buffett, and the result is a side of the Oracle of Omaha that has rarely been seen.”—Time Magazine “Schroeder . . . has a meat-and-potatoes style that matches the homespun wisdom of her subject. . . . Now more than ever, Buffett’s emphasis on fundamentals seems like genius. It’s the perfect moment for a great book on an immensely inspiring capitalist.”—People, four stars “Schroeder . . . is well equipped to elucidate Buffett’s deals [and] Buffett’s life abounds with good stories.”—New Yorker “You will learn a lot about one of the nation’s most compelling and important men from reading The Snowball.”—Boston Globe “In The Snowball, novice biographer Alice Schroeder gives us one of the most detailed, candid life stories ever published. . . . It is almost impossible to stop reading.”—Christian Science Monitor “A penetrating and personal look at the Oracle of Omaha . . . An astute, and at times riveting, read—especially now.”—BusinessWeek “Everyone knows that in a deep and liquid capital market like that of the US, it is just about impossible to beat the stock market averages over anything more than the short term. But Buffett has been ahead of the curve for most of the past 50 years, making him one of the world’s richest people. Alice Schroeder’ s massive authorized biography, The Snowball, provides some clues about how he’s done it.”—Financial Times “In this startlingly frank account of Buffett’s life, Schroeder, a former managing director at Morgan Stanley—and hand picked by Buffett to be his biographer—strips away the mystery that has long cloaked the word’s richest man to reveal a life and fortune erected around lucid and inspired business vision and unimaginable personal complexity.”—Publishers Weekly  “This massive—and highly readable—text (produced with Buffett’s full cooperation) is an unvarnished and well-paced biography that is essential for all public and academic business collections.”—Library Journal “For students of the Oracle of Omaha, or even those looking for a little reassurance during the crisis, Schroeder’s book is a fascinating study of America’s most successful investor.”—New York Post “Alice Schroeder’s accumulation of detail, her vivid, artless descriptions of people and places, and the resulting narrative fluidity make this a compelling book. It has the bouncing vitality of an early Sinclair Lewis novel.”—Times Literary Supplement “An excellent and highly enjoyable look at the business titan . . . If you’ve looked at your 401(k) statement and started to fear that everyone in financial markets is either greedy, predatory or incompetent, do yourself a favor. Take $35 out of the mattress and buy a copy of Alice Schroeder’s The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life. At a time like this, it’s a real comfort: Buffet is living proof there’s at least one wholly rational person managing money.”—Houston Chronicle “Ms. Schroeder does a good job of pulling . . . volunteered disclosures out of Mr. Buffett but her real contribution is her own investment expertise which enables her to make the convoluted financing schemes over the last 50 years understandable to lay readers and truly instructive to the business information junkie.”—Washington Times “This is a fast-paced, precisely drawn profile of a man who, despite his high visibility in the financial world, isn’t someone we’ve known much about. . . . We do now.”—Kansas City Star “This massive—and highly readable—text (produced with Buffett’s full cooperation) is an unvarnished and well-paced biography that is essential for all public and academic business collections.”—Library Journal “Top-notch biographies demand thorough research and crisp, finely honed writing. Schroeder exhibits both. . . . It’s hard to imagine a more complete account of Buffett’s life had he written it himself.”—Buffalo News  “Riveting and encyclopedic . . . The overall power of the story carries The Snowball forward. There is much to be learned from it.”—Wall Street Journal “A monumental biography . . . Schroeder got the best access yet of any Buffett biographer. . . . She deals out marvelously funny and poignant stories about Buffett and the conglomerate he runs, Berkshire Hathaway.”—Forbes

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Author Alice Schroeder was a noted insurance industry analyst and writer who was a managing director at Morgan Stanley. She first met Warren Buffett when she published research on Berkshire Hathaway; her grasp of the subject and insight so impressed him that he offered her access to his files and to himself. Their friendship and mutual respect make her ideally positioned to write the The Snowball.Ms. Schroeder was born in Texas, and she earned an undergraduate degree and her MBA at the University of Texas at Austin before moving east to work in finance. She is a former CPA and lives in Connecticut with her husband.

Alle Produktbeschreibungen


Taschenbuch: 832 Seiten

Verlag: Bantam; Auflage: Trade Paperback (27. Oktober 2009)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0553384619

ISBN-13: 978-0553384611

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,5 x 3,7 x 23,3 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.4 von 5 Sternen

25 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 63.064 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

die überzeugend darlegt in welchen Charaktereigenschaften Buffets überwältigender Erfolg begründet liegt. Dabei wird nicht der Eindruck erweckt, dass dies zwangsläufig gewesen sei und Buffet wird nicht zum Heiligen stilisiert. Es ergibt sich das Bild eines Mannes von goßer Intelligenz und natürlich gewachsener Integrität. Und eines Menschen dessen Hyperfocus auf das große Thema seines Lebens (das Vermehren von investiertem Kapital) zu gleichen Teilen aus seiner Intellektualität und frühen Verletzungen gespeist ist.Die einsame Spitze jedweden Bereichs wird nur in den seltensten Fällen von "Glückskindern" erreicht, die schon immer zufrieden mit sich waren. Häufiger macht das Wissen eben diese Spitze erreicht zu haben und nicht mehr angreifbar zu sein ehemalige "Problemfälle" zufrieden und glücklich.Die Biographie darf als definitives Werk über Buffet gelten und ist weit glaubwüridger als andere Veröffentlichungen. Alice Schroeder war Buffett nahe genug, dass sie Einblick in alle wichtigen Quellen und Zugang zu den Buffets nächstem Umfeld bekam. Und sie war unabhängig genug ein Werk vorzulegen, das diese Nähe teilweise beendete. Wenn man den Gerüchten glauben mag, weil Buffett die Darstellung seiner ersten Frau nicht besonders mochte.Buffett analysiert menschliche Schwächen im Geschäftsleben messerscharf, arbeitet in seinem allernächsten Umfeld (und wirklich nur dort) aber offenkundig nach dem Motto "vergeben UND vergessen". Dies ermöglichte die Aufrechterhaltung einer Ehe, während die temperamentsmäßig vollkommen anders gestrickte erste Frau Buffets sang, feierte und Liebhaber hatte und Buffet selbst sich irgendwann mit einer eigentlich besser zu ihm passenden Freundin der Familie zusammentat, die heute seine zweite Frau ist.Aber dazu ist Reichtum in Buffets Augen eben ganz wesentlich da: unabhängig von den Urteilen anderer so zu leben, wie man es für richtig hält. Am Ende der größte Luxus von allen.

Grundsätzlich ein Top-Buch, allerdings muss ich aufgrund des Lieferzustandes Abzug ansetzen.Wie in den Bildern zu sehen ist der Seitenschnitt eher mit "einem stumpfen Rasenmähermesser" und daher abgerissenen Seiten zu vergleichen als mit einem saueberen Buchseitenschnitt.

Detailed, valuable and inspiring biography of Warren Buffett. I truly like the principles and approach of Warren Buffett and am very happy to follow his recommendations. His description of how his participation in a Dale Carnegie course turned out one of the most valuable things in his life inspired me to finally study Dale Carnegie myself. One of the things I was impressed most was Buffett’s approach to philanthropy. His description of his friendship with Bill Gates inspired me to study Bill Gates’ approach to philanthropy as well, which turned out to be very inspiring and valuable as well.

Buch ist super, habe es regelrecht verschlungen! Allerdings kam es beschädigt, mit Knicken des Papiers und Beschädigungen der Ecken bei mir an. Ärgerlich, da ich ja ein neues Buch bestellt habe, kein beschädigtes!!!

Warren Buffett ist für die meisten Investoren ein Halbgott (mindestens). Das Buch erzählt unterhaltsam die unterschiedlichen Stufen seiner Entwicklung.

Es ist in 3 Tagen geliefert worden, was ich gut finde. Der Inhalt ist ebenfalls gut und es sind knapp 820 Seiten, also ein dickes Buch. Doch die Verarbeitung ist nicht so gut, kleine risse in den ersten Seiten oben... An den Seiten auch etwas kaputt..

Absolut lesenswertes Buch, flüssig geschrieben, nicht langweilig. Buffett-Fans und Leser mit Interesse an der Wirtschaft, Aktien und Investment werden den einen oder anderen Satz finden, der Geld Wert ist.

Overall a panegyric to the great man, undoubtedly deservedly so. A little weak on some details, like how Charlie Munger became partner, and the focus is often very much on the family rather than the business, but this does provide a more global insight into the man than many other books about him.

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The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder PDF

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder PDF
The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder PDF

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